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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Last Few Weeks

I didn't have enough time the last few weeks of field to really write about what had happened, so now I am going to try to do a catch up post and remember all of the exciting things that happened. :)

Planting Flowers

In my one of my SPED students' GenEd classrooms, they were planting seeds for science. The kids had a bunch of fun getting to do this hands on science lesson!

Ball Pen Room

I discovered the ball pen room on a day where it was pouring rain outside, and one of my students asked me if they could go to the ball pen room to play during recess! It is in a portable at the school, and it's just a blow up pool, filled with balls! The kids absolutely love it, and now we are using it as a reinforcer during store time.


In almost all of the classes at my school, the students are making wreaths out of puzzle pieces! I absolutely love this project.


On my last day of field, my students made snowmen out of rice crispy treats and skittles... Their favorite part was eating it at the end, but they also enjoyed getting to mold and smash the rice crispy treats. I think it allowed many of my students to release their frustrations.

Here is what is was supposed to look like:

Here is what they ended up looking like:

Those are the projects that have been occurring in my classroom lately. The kids had fun with all of them, and the parents enjoyed them as well!

One of the biggest problems I had during the past few weeks of field was that one of my students GenEd teacher's was trying to steal me during the day! Whenever her class was doing something that involved lots of supervision, she would call my mentor teacher, and tell her that they were doing "Art" so they needed me to come down with my student. When we would get down there, she would have me help her GenEd kids because they were acting out! Luckily, I love that class, and they are 2nd grade (which is the age I want to work with). Plus, the GenEd teacher is scary... her students will ask ME questions while I am there, because they are scared to ask her. Even I am little scared to ask her, but she seems to really like me. I just prefer to stay in the SPED classroom where I am assigned.

The school has this rule about not allowing the students to talk during lunch time. I don't understand it. These students are stuck in a classroom for 90% of the day, and then they get a little "fun time" to talk with their friends, and the lunch room ladies expect them to sit there without talking! Personally, I think that should be there time to talk about whatever they want and chat with their friends-as long as they are eating their lunch of course!

I finished up my last day in this placement, and the students gave me a lei and made me cupcakes. This SPED classroom absolutely wore me out, but I love those kids, and I will miss them a bunch. Thankfully, I'm back at the same school next semester-student teaching in a 1st grade GenEd classroom. I can't wait!

*Sorry for all the white boxes-we aren't supposed to post anything with a students face/name online, so I have to edit my pictures a bit!*